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Simplify Translations With Trados Studio

Upgrade and License Your Trados Studio

Simplify Translations with Trados Studio

With its advanced features and intuitive interface, Trados Studio streamlines the translation process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Its powerful translation memory and machine translation capabilities empower translators to deliver high-quality translations effortlessly.

Flexible Licensing Options

Trados Studio offers flexible licensing options to suit your needs, whether you're a freelance translator or a large enterprise. Single User Licenses are ideal for individuals, while Network Licenses provide cost-effective solutions for teams.

Seamless Upgrades

With a Trados Studio subscription license, you'll always have access to the latest version. This ensures uninterrupted workflow and the ability to leverage the latest innovations in translation technology.

Comprehensive Support

SDL, the provider of Trados Studio, offers a wide range of support resources, including online documentation, forums, and dedicated support specialists. Rest assured that you'll have access to the guidance you need to unlock the full potential of Trados Studio.


Investing in Trados Studio is an investment in the future of your translation business. With its advanced tools, flexible licensing, and ongoing support, Trados Studio empowers you to conquer the challenges of translation and deliver exceptional results for your clients.
