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Simplify Communication And Organization In Schools With Sdui

Simplify Communication and Organization in Schools with Sdui

Seamless Connections and Enhanced Security

Sdui is an innovative platform that empowers schools with real security in digital communication and seamless organization. Its GDPR-compliant solutions connect teachers, educators, parents, and children, streamlining processes and fostering collaboration.

Key Features

  • OSS messenger for secure and mobile communication
  • User-friendly interface and easy handling
  • Works on all smartphones, tablets, and computers

Diverse Solutions for Digital Education

The Sdui Group offers a comprehensive range of solutions for digital education, including:

  • Messenger
  • KI-Stundenplaner
  • Virtual classrooms
  • Digital learning materials

Supporting the Education Ecosystem

Sdui provides the OSS messenger in the state's own education cloud for the Saarland Ministry of Education, demonstrating its commitment to supporting the education ecosystem. The platform's solutions enable:

  • Improved communication between teachers, parents, and students
  • Enhanced organization and time-saving capabilities
  • Personalized learning experiences and individualized support

Investment and Recognition

The Sdui Group has received 25 million capital from investors and capital providers, recognizing the platform's potential and impact on education. Its innovative solutions have been widely adopted by schools and educational institutions, shaping the future of digital learning.


Sdui is a transformative platform that empowers schools with unparalleled security, seamless communication, and enhanced organization. Its diverse solutions, coupled with its commitment to education, make it an indispensable tool for shaping the future of teaching and learning, enabling a more connected, efficient, and personalized educational experience for all.
